“Cleaner” Type of clean!

Clean Naturally

It’s that time of year when we feel the urge to start cleaning. Spring cleaning allows us to start the season on a fresh, clean note. So why not try a “cleaner” type of clean? Here are a few tips for using more natural household products around your home.

First, don’t get overwhelmed and try throwing everything out. You will feel like everything is poison once you start googling about clean household products. Instead of overhauling everything all at once, swap out just a few products that will make a big difference in your home. 

In today’s eco-friendly environment, there are many safe alternatives to regular cleaners. Vinegar is a great substitute in the bathroom or kitchen, combining vinegar, baking soda and water as a deep clean alternative. You can also opt for a steam cleaner to manage tile, hardwood floors, appliances and even outdoor areas, as they only use hot water and vapour.

If you still need help and want an easy way to look at the products you use daily, check out these recommended Apps for cleaning, food and skincare products. You can get a snapshot of your products’ ratings and see why they’re rated that way! 

What do you want “clean” to look and feel like this year? Spring is an ideal time to make the necessary changes.

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